I'm Yannick Mul and I am a Interaction Designer, which means I design systems. Think of systems like a remote control for your TV or a button for a pedestrian crossing light.
My specialty is to be able to come up with a concept based on investigative ability and to be able to playtest it. An example of this is my VR hybrid experience that enhances climbing immersion. Users can climb a physical wall while hanging over a cliff in VR.
I work in a structured and efficient manner, keeping an eye on the goal and aiming to achieve it at all costs. I am fascinated by efficient design—what truly constitutes efficiency and how does it translate into an everyday object? That's why it's important for me to look at 'normal' life and see how I can improve it. I hope to make the world and its systems a bit easier and more logical to use, without undoing the fun and end goals.