Hybrid Heist

Created for quest 1 Hybrid Heist is an experiment to see if we could combine VR gaming with climbing to enhance the immersion of the player. In the game, you play as a thief who steals from his neighbour. Players climb on the outside of buildings and take coins from a window. These coins make noise however, and if you make noise when the neighbour is awake, you lose.

It was a great succes! together with dizzying heights and soft ambience, players would feel like they were climbing on a wall somewhere above a waterfal. We used handtracking to help with body presence.

The game was created during covid-19 which ment we had to be creative in where we could playtest. Luckily we found an outside bouldering wall in Nijmegen.

Techniques we used such as photogrammetry helped us pinpointing the locations of each grip on the wall. This ment we could create an 3D model and hand it over to our artists.